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Home Improvement 🏠 Handyman Service 🚚 Flooring Contractor

Professional service for over 30 years. 
Specializing in hard surface flooring of vinyl, LVT, ceramic tile, hardwood, laminate, indoor outdoor carpet and carpet tile. Commercial and residential application.  
Customized offerings based on specific needs, no project too small.
 Local Resident🔸️Central Coast🔸️Santa Ynez🔸️Morro Bay🔸️Santa Maria 
(661)810-5220Kevin Sperling 

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Home Improvement 1 is known for quality services, exceptional efficiency and the highest level of professionalism.
🔹️Handyman Service 🔹️ Remodel🔹️ Flooring 🔹️Tile🔹️Drywall Repair 🔹️Painting 🔹️ Landscaping 🔹️Tree Trimming

No matter what service you’re looking for, Home Improvement 1 guarantees to not only meet, but exceed your expectations and ensure your full satisfaction. 
Managing projects residential and commercial with skill and experience.
Please get in touch to learn more for details about the services we provide.

Local🔹️Central Coast🔹️Santa Ynez to Morro Bay (661) 810-5220

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